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Join us for a fun-filled day packed full of Easter themed Activities, Dance, Drama, Singing, Games and Craft!


Easter Workshops

Lou and Emma are going to be teaching at two workshops this Easter.

Thursday 11th April - ages 4 - 8 years

Easter Extravaganza

Join us for a fun-filled day packed full of Easter themed Activities, Dance, Drama, Singing, Games and Craft!

10am - 3pm Tenterden Infant School

Come dressed in clothes that are easy to wear and bring some outdoor shoes!

Bring Packed Lunch and Drinks

£30 for the day £25 per child for siblings

Easter Workshop junior 2 (1).png

Friday 12th April - ages 9 - 18 years

Show in a Day!


This will be a day full of Dance, Drama, Singing, Team Games, Stage Make Up, Costume Design and a performance at the end to parents.

10am - 4pm Tenterden Infant School

Come dressed in clothes you can dance in (no jeans)

Bring Packed Lunch and Drinks

£30 for the day £25 per child for siblings

‘Show in a day’ workshop (1).png
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