Leisure Centre, Tenterden
3.45 - 4.30pm
Age 5 upwards. The children will work towards taking their ISTD Imperial Ballet exams should they wish to and when they are ready.
Ballet is a classical dance style and we follow the ISTD syllabus in Imperial Classical Ballet. Ballet is a well known style which works on grace and control within each movement and uses the arms and legs to create effortless images.
Skills develop through the grades as the classes get harder. Every child is different and will progress into the next grade when they are ready. Examinations can be taken in these classes from Primary level.
Approximate Age - 5 - 7 years
Leisure Centre, Tenterden
3.45 - 4.30pm
Street dance encompasses many styles including breaking, hip hop, popping, locking and many more. Our classes teach many of these styles with particular emphasis on breaking.
Approximate Age - 4 - 9 years
Leisure Centre, Tenterden
4.30 - 5.15pm
Modern dance is the basis for a variety of dance movement, working on skills such as strength, flexibility, dance quality and dynamics. It is often seen on the stages of musical productions and is known for its theatrical qualities. The ISTD Modern syllabus uses travelling steps, high kicks, leaps and turns encompassing elements of Contemporary, Jazz and Musical theatre.
Tap Dance is an exciting, percussive, rhythmical dance form. The dancer uses their feet to strike the floor, beating out a melody, with tap shoes which have small metal plates on the toe and heel to give the distinctive sound. Tap dance is a theatrical art form often seen on screen and stage in musicals.
Approximate Age - 5 - 7 years
Leisure Centre, Tenterden
Ages 4 - 8 years - 3.45 - 4.30pm
Ages 8 - 10 years - 4.30 - 5.15pm
Musical theatre encompasses singing, dance and acting in one class. Students will learn routines from famous West End shows and films while having lots of fun and building confidence.
St Andrews Church Hall, Tenterden
4.30 - 5.15pm
Ballet is a classical dance style and we follow the ISTD syllabus in Imperial Classical Ballet. Ballet is a well known style which works on grace and control within each movement and uses the arms and legs to create effortless images.
Skills develop through the grades as the classes get harder. Every child is different and will progress into the next grade when they are ready. Examinations can be taken in these classes from Primary level.
Approximate Age - 8 - 11 years
Highbury Hall, Tenterden
4.45 - 5.30pm
Modern dance is the basis for a variety of dance movement, working on skills such as strength, flexibility, dance quality and dynamics. It is often seen on the stages of musical productions and is known for its theatrical qualities. The ISTD Modern syllabus uses travelling steps, high kicks, leaps and turns encompassing elements of Contemporary, Jazz and Musical theatre.
Tap Dance is an exciting, percussive, rhythmical dance form. The dancer uses their feet to strike the floor, beating out a melody, with tap shoes which have small metal plates on the toe and heel to give the distinctive sound. Tap dance is a theatrical art form often seen on screen and stage in musicals.
Approximate Age - 9 - 11 years
Highbury Hall, Tenterden
4.00 - 4.45pm
We follow the Acrobatic Arts program working through the levels appropriate for the child from our Pre-school program and then Primary - Level 6. Students work on Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Limbering and Tumbling at their own Level. The students have their own progress cards which they earn stickers for completing skills with correct technique.
Approximate Age - 5 - 10 years
Leisure Centre, Tenterden
4.30 - 5.15pm
Street dance encompasses many styles including breaking, hip hop, popping, locking and many more. Our classes teach many of these styles with particular emphasis on breaking.
Approximate Age - 8 - 18 years
Leisure Centre, Tenterden
5.15 - 6.00pm
Contemporary dance has evolved from Modern Dance into a genre of it's own right. It encourages creative freedom and artistic expression. The movement in Contemporary stems from the core and uses elements of contract, release, spiral, floor work, improvisation and fall and recovery.
Approximate Age 8 - 18 years
St Andrews Church Hall, Tenterden
5.15 - 6.00pm
This class is to stretch, strengthen and improve muscle memory. We use the Progressing Ballet Technique and Alixa Flexibility method alongside other stretching and strengthening techniques. It is recommended for all children age 6 and over wanting to take exams in any dance genre. The children are provided with their own progress book which they track their improvements.​
A yoga ball, yoga block, Thera-band and mat are required for the class.
Approximate Age - 8 years to adults
Highbury Hall, Tenterden
5.30 - 6.15pm
We follow the Acrobatic Arts program working through the levels appropriate for the child from our Pre-school program and then Primary - Level 6. Students work on Strength, Flexibility, Balance, Limbering and Tumbling at their own Level. The students have their own progress cards which they earn stickers for completing skills with correct technique.
Approximate Age - 7 - 12 years having several years experience in Acro or Gym
Leisure Centre, Tenterden
5:15 - 6.00pm
Age 7 upwards. The children will work towards taking their ISTD Imperial Ballet exams should they wish to and when they are ready.
Ballet is a classical dance style and we follow the ISTD syllabus in Imperial Classical Ballet. Ballet is a well known style which works on grace and control within each movement and uses the arms and legs to create effortless images.
Skills develop through the grades as the classes get harder. Every child is different and will progress into the next grade when they are ready. Examinations can be taken in these classes from Primary level.
Approximate Age - 7 - 9 years

Musical theatre classes at Brookes Dance Academy

Musical theatre classes at Brookes Dance Academy