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Musical Theatre coaching at Brookes Dance Academy

Musical theatre encompasses singing, dance and acting in one class. Students will learn routines from famous West End shows and films.

Our Junior classes are for ages 4 - 8 years and our Senior Class is for ages 9 - 18 years old.


15.45 - 16.30  Junior Musical Theatre
16.30 - 17.15  Inter Musical Theatre
17.15 - 18.15  Senior Musical Theatre
Musical theatre performance
Musical theatre Class
Musical theatre, Tenterden
Musical theatre group

Musical Theatre Uniform

Musical theatre uniform
BDA logo Musical Theatre uniform

​Black leggings 

Jazz trainers / shoes or bare feet

'Brookes Dance Academy' Musical Theatre T-shirt
Long hair should be tied back and off the face

(please note the shop is for BDA students only, please refer to your, 'Thank you for registering email' to get the access code)

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